To investigate the worldwide epidemiology of H. pylori infection and GC neoplasia using standardized methods
Specific Objectives
1. To estimate the age-specific prevalence of H. pylori infection as predictor of GC trends.
2. To investigate bacterial, host and environmental factors associated with differences between high and low GC risk areas.
3. To measure H. pylori antibiotic resistance to Metronidazole and Clarithromycin in the different geographic regions.
4. To further explore the association between H. pylori infection and child growth.
Trayectoria: For more than 10 years, I have worked at Guanacaste Project-INCIENSA Foundation in Costa Rica, and my work has been mainly related to plan, supervise and conduct the field efforts of several studies on HPV and cervical cancer epidemiology that have been conducted in collaboration with the US National Cancer Institute.
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: +506 2220 3205
05 de Septiembre de 2016
There is an urgent need to have more reliable estimates of H. pylori age prevalence in different regions to be able to estimate future disease burden as well as magnitude and scope of potential screening or eradication programs. It is also necessary to conduct additional etiologic studies aimed at identifying factors that explain the lack of correlation between H. pylori prevalence and gastric cancer incidence in some areas and why a subgroup of infected patients move to a precancerous process while most of them do not progress. There is also a need to evaluate additional biomarkers with potential utility as screening tools to identify individuals with advanced precancerous lesions and high risk of gastric cancer, who could be targeted for screening programs. The current proposal is aimed to investigate with standardized methods the age-specific prevalence of H. pylori in high and low gastric cancer areas worldwide and to explore whether the prevalence of cofactors implicated as having a role in the natural history of H. pylori infection and gastric cancer might account for the low cancer rates observed in many populations with high H. pylori prevalence. We will also use data on age-specific H. pylori prevalence to estimate the future burden of gastric cancer in populations that currently are at high or intermediate risk. We will also provide information needed to define the best treatment regimens against H. pylori for the different geographical regions. Finally by including children we will be able to further explore the relation ship between child grow and H. pylori infection.
En proceso de planificación
Iniciativa de investigación a someter por Fondos con el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica y como parte de las iniciativas país en el marco del programa EU-LAC HEALTH.